Nayah Solutions Proceeds to Final Selection Phase of Sida’s Calls for Proposals: ICT for Empowerment of Women and Girls

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has selected Nayah Solutions to proceed to the second and final stage of selection of  Sida’s Calls for Proposals: ICT for Empowerment of Women and Girls. The proposal entitled, Nayah Solutions’ Mobile Development Training for High School Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa, details a plan for Nayah Solutions to partner with universities […]

What a great first day!

Nayah Solutions conducted its App Inventor class with 14 members of the Tanzania Youth Icon (TAYI) Community Center. The participants were extremely excited and anxious to learn how to develop mobile apps.   Their ages ranged from mid to late teens, and early 20s. They see this class as an opportunity to learn a skill that can change […]

Positive Outcomes from the Android Workshop at The State University of Zanzibar

Nayah Solutions is excited to announce the kickoff of the SUZA Android Camp, an organization created and managed by computer science students at The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA). Students designed the organization to motivate students to develop applications for the Android operating system. The SUZA Android Camp builds on the information that Google software […]