Doctor Who: Spies Through Time

Doctor Who | Season 12 | Episode 2: “Spyfall, Part II”Feature image         For a quick read, go to Review. For a complete summary, go to Recap. KBear Recap [Read  time: 5-7 min] “Don’t have a TARDIS. Do have an Ada.” The Doctor The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) is in the alien environment talking to herself. […]

Doctor Who: The Name’s Doctor, The Doctor

Doctor Who | Season 12 | Episode 1 : “Spyfall, Part 1”Feature image         For a quick read, go to Review. For a complete summary, go to Recap. KBear Recap [Read  time: 5-7 min] “Like Graham said, be careful, stay in touch, and, remember – – Rule 1 of espionage – -trust no one.” The […]

Doctor Who Christmas Special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio

by Kbear! on December 30, 2016 Like in a MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) production we see comic book panels. A grown man in New York City is asleep dreaming of a major event in his childhood. A small child in bed before Christmas is coughing. He hears a noise outside his 60th floor window and sees a […]