Doctor Who: One, Twelve, Thirteen, Same Doctor

Title: Doctor Who Christmas Special “Twice Upon A Time” Genre: Science fiction, Drama Platform: TV – BBC America Director: Rachel Talalay Writer: Steven Moffat Rating: TV-PG Release: December 25, 2017 Cast: Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, David Bradley Feature image:  Source [SPOILERS] “We have a choice. Either we change and go on or we die as we are…” Twelfth Doctor – […]

Nayah Sci Fi at San Francisco Comic Con 2017

“Of course, we’re excited about our celebrity guests. They bring huge crowds because of the franchises they represent, but we never forget this is a comic book convention—that’s our main focus.” Jamie Kautzmann, San Francisco Comic Con Nayah Sci Fi is excited to bring you real-time coverage of the San Francisco Comic Con (SFCC), September 1 […]

[SEASON FINALE] Doctor Who: It’s Time to Stand with the Doctor- It’s the Kind Thing to Do

Title: “Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 12: The Doctor Falls” Genre: Science fiction, Drama Platform: TV – BBC America Director: Rachel Talalay Writer: Steven Moffat Rating: TV-PG Release: July 2, 2017 Cast: Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, Matt Lucas Feature image:  Source [SPOILERS] It is a peaceful countryside with scarecrows made of pre-conversion Cybermen. (The patients in the hospital from “World […]