Doctor Who: The Crucible

Doctor Who | Season 11  | Episode 8 : “The Witchfinders“ Feature image For a quick read, go to Review. For a complete summary, go to Recap. KBear Recap [Read  time: 5-7 min] “Together we shall save the souls of my people from Satan. Even if it means killing them all.”  Becka Savage Instead of arriving at Elizabeth […]

Doctor Who: Nani’s Wedding Day

Doctor Who | Season 11  | Episode 6 : “Demons of the Punjab“ Feature image For a quick read, go to Review. For a complete summary, go to Recap. KBear Recap [Read  time: 5-7 min] “I was the first woman married in Pakistan. Now, look at me, in a wheelchair. Being fed shop-bought cake.”  Nani Umbreen We’re at […]

Doctor Who: What the Fjord is this?

Doctor Who | Season 11  | Episode 9 : “It Takes You Away“ Feature Image For a quick read, go to Review.For a complete summary, go to Recap. KBear Recap [Read  time: 5-7 min “The Wooly Rebellion. In 193 years, there’s a total renegotiation of the sheep-human relationship. Utter bloodbath.” The Doctor Graham O’Brien (Bradley Walsh) looks over […]