The Flash: Savitar Finally Revealed

Title: “The Flash Season 3 Episode 20: I Know Who You Are” Genre: Superhero fiction, Drama, Action Platform: TV – The CW Director: Hanelle Culpepper Writer: Bronwen Clark & Joshua V. Gilber Rating: TV-PG  Release: 2017 Cast: Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh “Easy, Romeo and Juliet. None of us have forgotten about Caitlin.”  H.R. Wells—The Flash Joe (Jesse […]

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 19: Alex

Maggie (Floriana Lima) is in charge of a hostage situation. She is trying to talk the criminals into releasing their hostages. Suddenly Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) flies through the roof and brings out the criminals. Hostage situation solved. Maggie is upset at Kara’s interference; she had been working on this for seventeen hours. Kara doesn’t notice […]